I am a veteran game design expert with 20+ years of industry experience, and in that time I have held roles at every level of game development.My expertise given me the privilege of working on such familiar franchises as Ghost of Tsushima, Halo and Sonic the Hedgehog while also trying my hand in both the startup and new IP development space.I’ve always believed in game design and interactive mediums as a way to reach out and affect players in a wholly unique and unequaled way. Compulsion, engagement, retention, fun - these are the keywords that drive me to create player experiences, systems, mechanics and gameplay loops that evolve beyond what we’re seeing now in our industry. I am always striving towards the future of game development in the vain goal of delivering the next big iteration on game design and interactive storytelling.I believe that the purest form of fun evolves from designing compelling player facing systems and letting them interact in interesting and unexpected ways. I find progression systems irresistible, and I love finding new ways to pull players forward compulsively, whether it's through my level design, or a system they cannot stop interacting with out of sheer joy.Welcome to my portfolio! Please take a look around, I am excited to share my work with you, and I hope you find it as exciting and engaging as I do.
Below are some things that people I have collaborated with over the years have been kind enough to say about me.All references were collected from, and are viewable on, my LinkedIn page.
game designer
Cory is a remarkable director, while also being one of the best designers I have ever had the chance to work with. As a director, he makes sure that everyone across the studio can have a voice when it comes to design, while also keeping a clear vision of the project that we are creating. If any concerns ever arise, he is quickly able to address concerns and come up with productive solutions that motivates the departments as a whole. He also worked very closely with me every quarter to make sure I was getting to work on something that motivated me and helped me grow my skillset as a designer and I couldn't be more thankful.As a game designer, he is a north star. He is outstanding at collaboration and tries to make sure that everyone is attached to the decisions that are being made. I have never met someone who is so on-top of following industry trends as well as being able to come up with innovative systems that has yet to be thought of. There isn't a game that Cory isn't aware of, which makes him an invaluable library of information while building a project from the ground up. Seeing how Cory approaches design is now a cornerstone in my foundational knowledge of creating a game.For my career as a game designer, I strive to be a fraction of the designer Cory is. He can pitch anything, he can create anything, and most of all he brings people together on the greyest days and makes sure that you're happy at work.
lead campaign designer
Cory was an awesome mission designer when I was the Campaign Lead on Halo 4. He was a fast learner and quickly got up to speed on our tool set and became one of the go to designers on the team. He wasn't afraid to take on extra work in order to improve the game and he always wanted what was best for the campaign.He made my life as a manager easy and was a pleasure to work with from a managerial standpoint. His missions were usually some of the top rated levels when we did internal testing, but that didn't prevent him from continuing to further improve them.Cory is also a huge gamer and really understands what is out there, not just in the FPS realm but industry wide. He's an awesome designer and great to have on any game design team.
lead multiplayer designer
Cory is a great designer. He's legitimately a jack of all trades willing to take on any part of design. He has very strong values and he's always motivated to press forward and go the extra mile.He is an encyclopedia of classic game knowledge which gives him a solid understanding of foundational design philosophies. Cory is the type of designer you can trust to do a great job on what ever he is responsible for.A strong addition to any team and one of the few designers that can see the entire vision in his head and understand how all of the parts fit together. I always look forward to seeing what he's been working on.
game designer
The time I spent working with Cory at Nerd Corps was a fantastic experience. His ability to communicate clearly, adapt to the situation, and uphold the vision of our projects made him an indispensable part of our team. I learned a great deal from Cory and hope to work with him again in the future.
Art Director
Resourceful and intelligent with his creativity, Cory has a talent for analyzing problems and presenting viable solutions. Cory has a great respect for those he works with and their expertise and can balance decisive leadership with the confidence to invite his team's input and insights.
project manager
Cory is a excellent example of a true "Expert" and "Professional" - In the time i've worked with Cory he's helped me re-think how design and user experience is delivered. His understanding of game, interface and experience design is astonishing and not only does he know what makes a great experience but he also understands what makes that experience successful.I would not hesitate to recommend Cory, his passion and drive to innovate is an asset to any team.
studio head
Cory has an encyclopedic knowledge of games, both classic and current. He is a gamer through-and-through, but he doesn't over think or over engineer his designs, which are concise, sufficiently detailed and useful.He has a great work ethic and will apply himself with gusto to the smallest task to the biggest and everything in between.
Cory is an excellent game designer, with the ability to quickly generate workable ideas and then describe those ideas concisely and with visual backup.Even under less than optimal conditions, Cory looks for the tools that he has to work with and makes those the centerpiece mechanics rather than spending time worrying about what he can't get done. He keeps a clear head under pressure and is a strong leader in times of stress.I highly recommend Cory for any design team and would not hesitate to add him to my own team if given the opportunity.
senior producer
Cory is an extremely talented designer whose passion for the games industry is obvious in the way he tirelessly devours his projects.His communication, documentation and leadership abilities are exceptional. Cory’s designs are fresh, innovative and thorough. In the short time I worked with Cory he set the standards for what I expect from a lead designer.Cory always delivers. It was a pleasure to work with Cory – he makes an excellent addition to any development team.
Below are some of the projects I have collaborated on and my specific contributions to them.
I was privileged to be a part of the four person core team responsible for designing and creating the cooperative Legends Mode for Ghost of Tsushima.Legends was nominated for the "BAFTA 2021 Best Multiplayer" and "D.I.C.E Awards 24th Annual Online Game of the Year" awards.Legends Mode was so well received that it was sold as a standalone game at a later date, and will be getting a recently announced anime adaptation, directed by Takanobu Mizuno (Star Wars: Visions) in 2027.The reviews of Legends Mode, linked below, highlight the passion, care and thought we put into our work.
I was responsible for designing, planning and building four of the nine story missions within Legends Mode.Each mission featured branching paths, unique mechanics and content randomization, and was built around endless replayability.The missions were told as a living story to the player by the narrator Gyozen, who described the player's actions and explained the overarching story as it played out.
I was responsible for designing and building all six survival missions in Legends Mode.Each Survival Mission had players defending three capture points from attacking enemies, across up to thirty waves, with bosses appearing every five waves.Higher difficulties had the Legends Story Mission mechanics layered on top, challenging teams further.Rotating weekly challenges offered players opportunities to acquire the best rewards, for the highest risk.
I designed and crafted the elaborate mechanics and encounters found within all three chapters of the Raid.Spread out across a sprawling, handcrafted level that I designed specifically for the Raid, these bespoke systems and challenges demanded teamwork and cooperative play.The Raid featured over twenty distinct platforming sequences, lethal encounters, and devious puzzles that challenged teams with both repurposed Legends Mode systems, as well as completely new Raid mechanics.
A former colleague launched this tragically ill-fated startup studio, and specifically sought me out for my systems and progression design acumen. I designed the entirety of the game's systems as we developed a vertical slice to show to investors.Sadly, the timing for further project budget approval lined up right when the post-COVID funding started drying up, and despite a very impressive Vertical Slice, we were unable to secure liquidity to continue onwards.- I produced detailed, concise design documentation for all facets of the vertical slice, as well as planning for beyond.- I designed an extensive roster of two dozen character kits, each with interesting and unique bespoke weapons, abilities, ultimate attacks and passives.- I designed an extensive, long-tailed progression system designed to engage players early on, and keep them coming back for hundred of hours.- I developed an extensive elemental interaction & reaction system that encouraged cooperative and synergistic play between other players, and even yourself!- I did live-ops planning and design, including battlepass design and scheduling, setting up deliverables for months in advance.
Listed below are some of the skills I feel are my strengths as a veteran game developer, and a brief explanation of how or why I feel the way I do about each of them.I'm very passionate about game design - I hope you enjoy reading about these things as much as I love talking about them!
I strive to create strong, interconnected systems that feed off of one another to create a more meaningful whole - a complete experience, rather than just a game with just a series of disparate systems in it.
I believe having decisiveness and confidence are key to keep a project moving forward smoothly, but having the experience and humbleness to know when to pivot when things aren't working is just as critical. Don't be afraid to fail fast or fail often, just make sure you're trying awesome stuff.
Some of my favorite design exercises and work I've done have been around designing heroes and their accompanying combat kits. Finding new ways to communicate a character's personality through their moveset while also establishing a fun and unique gameplay rhythm for each is an exciting challenge for me.
I have experience brainstorming, designing, tuning and iterating on both first person firearms, as well as melee weapons and ranged tool kits. I have experience with magical and more non-traditional weapon design as well, with a strong understanding of feel and player empowerment.
Designing enemies and bosses that have readable, understandable and coherent movesets is always an engaging experience for me. I find it gets even more enjoyable when I start thinking about how I can layer in attacks and mechanics that require the player to utilize their toolbox in fun and compelling ways. Layering all of these philosophies onto the design of a multi-phase boss fight (especially when cooperative play is involved) is where you can push challenging player interactions to the limit.
I just love making video games, and I love working with all the creative, brilliant people that also make games. I firmly hold that great ideas can spring from anywhere, and I have no need to get defensive or upset if someone suggests improvements to any work of mine. If I truly believe in something, I will defend it - but respectfully and politely, while listening to their logic, as often there can be amazing results from these collaborations.
Having designed over a dozen missions or levels from beginning to end across a variety of different genres of game, I feel that I have developed a very strong sense for pacing. Guiding a player fluidly through a space I've designed, as though being pulled by an invisible thread - even in a non-linear space - is a skill I have spent years honing. Scripting events, implementing combat encounters, hiding treasure everywhere and secrets in hidden nooks - I pride myself on my confidence in both designing levels and populating those spaces with compelling gameplay.
From when I was a child and I felt compelled to level all of my characters to level 99 in Final Fantasy II and III (American numbers, I know, I know...), progression systems have captivated me.When they are more shallow, like crafting or alchemy systems, they serve the purpose of driving players forward towards collecting ingredients and exploring the world. When they're incredibly deep, like skill trees that span multiple pages and tabs, they encourage players to return for the one thousandth hour, seeking that perfect build or true mastery over the game.Regardless, these systems are one of the core principles of my love for design - in every way they permeate my thinking when I'm designing almost everything: "How can we hook progression into these mechanics to keep players engaged for longer?"
I believe that my love of films has dramatically informed my sense of narrative pacing when it comes to planning, writing and designing my levels and missions. I love working with the Narrative Designers and Writers on the teams I've been a part of over the years, and I've been lucky enough to not only have had my suggestions make it into the games, but I've been able to actually write portions of my shipped missions to help ease the writer's burdens.
I find designing cooperative mechanics fascinating - it's such a precarious line to walk. Too light of a touch, and a single player can handle the challenge with ease. Too much pressure, and it becomes impossible to do solo. It's all about striking a balance where cooperation is the optimal path forward, but not the only path forward.When designing the Legends Mode cooperative mechanics, we made a very conscious decision that we were going to strongly encourage players to cooperate in the Story Missions, and then up the ante and force them to cooperate in the Raid. Not backing down from that design pillar throughout development allowed us the freedom to design some refreshing, challenging, and very engaging cooperative gameplay.
When developing a new feature - especially one that has unforeseen risk or open design questions - I like to try to get it in game and playable as quickly as possible. If I can manage it with my schedule, role and responsibilities, I'll get hands on and implement a rapid prototype as quickly as possible. If I have other pressing tasks, I will work with my reports to prioritize a strike team with clear direction and goals, to implement a rapid prototype for us to assess as a team.
Over my career, I have written thousands of pages of game design documentation, and I have become very proficient at it. It all reads as highly organized, concise information presented in a no-nonsense manner that is very easy to digest. Team members I've worked with have given me great praise for presenting them with just the right amount of information they need to execute, without overloading them with unnecessary details. I also strive to keep all of my documentation up-to-date over the life of the project.
I have strong verbal and written communication skills, and am a strong and empathetic listener. I take great pride in my ability to hear all sides of any conflicts that arise during production and try to find a solution that suit's the projects best interests, while clearly explaining the reasoning behind my decisions to the parties involved. I speak clearly and confidently, and enjoy championing design visions to the team.
While not an expert by any means, I have years of UI and UX design experience, including experience designing for different interaction methodologies, such as touchscreens and stylus interactions. I have experience designing UI wireframes, interface flow diagrams, and more. I understand the principles of UI/UX design, and understand how to translate them into my game designs to enhance the player's experience.
I greatly enjoy finding young talent in the games industry and helping nurture and mentor it. I firmly believe that while years of experience and shipped titles can give you knowledge you can't get elsewhere, you should not underestimate the power and potential of a talented, passionate, earnest industry newcomer. With the appropriate guidance and mentorship, that talent can be molded into something that can help define the next generation of our industry, and I enjoy helping them achieve that potential.
Once a feature comes online and we start rapidly testing it with the team, I find that is when it becomes very important to iterate on it frequently. Make small changes, tweak enemy placements, or unit types. Move spawn volumes as you watch people engage with your content. Don't be afraid to tweak your work to make it better - improvement comes through iteration!
I love getting my hands dirty in-engine... not much more to it than that, really! While it has happened a bit less over my last few roles, due to there being more high-level direction and people management required, I still relish getting in-engine and making tweaks, tuning weapons, fixing bugs and providing feedback.
As mentioned earlier, my communication skills are very strong, but so are my presentation skills. I understand how to put together a solid, comprehensive but concise pitch deck that can convey complicated mechanics, systems or even entire projects. I can also deliver these pitches in exciting ways while fielding questions naturally.
*I am a naturally fast learner when it comes to tools, pipelines and game editors. I have worked hands-on with mostly proprietary engines over the course of my career - game engines with almost no documentation, held aloft by decades of tribal knowledge, and I still manage to pick them up rapidly and become proficient very rapidly.
I've used various scripting languages over my career, from melscript, to haloscript to lua. Recently, as a personal project, I have been spending more time working in blueprints, where I continue to steadily improve. As mentioned in my point about being a fast learner above, I believe that I can pick up any scripting language very rapidly when I'm immersed in it - it's simply a matter of dedication and focus.
As a project winds down and you approach the ever critical bug fixing phase, I find that I flourish. I thrive under mountains of bugs, treating them like a checklist to crossed off. The speed, efficiency and quality of my work shines here, and I'm able to take on a lot of work to a high quality bar, delivering lots of bug fixes and improving the overall quality of the project by an order of magnitude.